The Sacred Garden and Divine Nature Alliance has been blessed with a very supportive community!
At the end of January 2013, we began fundraising for a new roof on the greenhouse of The Sacred Garden because the old one was half gone with more blowing off daily. Then in February, we got hit with a massive flash flood, and our labyrinth got completely washed away. So we renewed our fundraising efforts and held a Community Clean Up day. We had hundreds of donors both large and small, and several devoted volunteers who came to help us clean up the debris in the yard and the completely destroyed labyrinth and rebuild the new labyrinth.

Great friends and awesome support to The Sacred Garden (and Eve!)

DNA Board Member Marji Knowles and her husband Michael Tibbott (not pictured) have been such sweet supporters!

Super Women!

Nancy Blackwelder….Help with a Smile!

Nakisha was a great help! Cute too!

Sam and Eve excavating the “old labyrinth” remains.

Awesome team, moving debris, rocks, bricks….power houses!

Keith excavated the piles of debris surrounding the labyrinth …so sweet!

Karen O’Reily and Aaron Juslen (visiting from WI)

Lots of gravel to move!

Don’t mess with Frank!

Shelly Stevens moved mountains during clean up day.

Rose (from Kihei) and Jen and Greg Harper (visiting from Colorado)

Eve and Keith

Debbie Dehm picked up 1000 ginger roots strewn all over the yard!

Beautifying the rock wall after the flood (we now know WHY there is a rock wall there!)

Anne and Foster Rice volunteered at The Sacred Garden Clean Up day….cleaning water ponds!

Yinon checking out a HUGE Elephant Ear that survived the flood.
Thank you so much to all of you who have supported The Sacred Garden! So many more came who weren’t pictured here….no less appreciated!